27 lis LISTENING I INFOGRAFIKI: Urząd Stanu Cywilnego / akty stanu cywilnego
Listening z mojego podręcznika Advanced Legal English for Polish Purposes
Odpowiedz na następujące pytania na podstawie poniższego nagrania:
- What is established by virtue of these provisions?
- What is the structure inside which the registry is established?
- What is the office responsible for?
- Who is the head of the registry?
- What can delay registration?
- Where is the registry situated?
- What types of documents confirming a record in the registry can be issued
- a central vital records registry and a registrar of vital records for the state with his office
- the office of preventive and public health services
- safety and preservation of vital records
- registrar
- investigation of an irregularity
- in the parish of Orleans
- short form birth certification card, long-form certified photocopy or long-form certified record of the original birth record
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