12 sie Jaki przyimek po „to appeal”? Co to znaczy „to quash”? + 25 innych słówek
Istnieją 3 poprawne sposoby używania czasownika „to appeal” widoczne na powyższej infografice oraz w zdaniach z prawa brytyjskiego, które wybrałam dla Was jako autentyczne przykłady użycia tych struktur (wyróżnione na czerwono).
Jako że wybrane przeze mnie fragmenty z prawa brytyjskiego zawierają też wiele innych ciekawych słówek i wyrażeń, postanowiłam wykorzystać tę okazję, by nauczyć Was jeszcze więcej 🙂 Pod fragmentami znajdziecie tabelę z słówkami/wyrażeniami wyróżnionymi na niebiesko w zdaniach, dodatkowe infografiki, a jeszcze niżej fiszki do nauki i przećwiczenia słówek/wyrażeń z tabeli i infografik.
Excerpt from Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015:
„Right of appeal
1 (1) An individual who has been convicted of an offence under section 10(1) or (3) may appeal against the conviction if—
(a) a temporary exclusion order is quashed, and
(b) the individual could not have been convicted had the quashing occurred before the proceedings for the offence were brought. (…)
When the right of appeal arises
3 (1) The right of appeal under this Schedule does not arise until there is no further possibility of an appeal against—
(a) the decision to quash the temporary exclusion order, notice or permitted obligation (as the case may be), or
(b) any decision on an appeal made against that decision.
(2) In determining whether there is no further possibility of an appeal against a decision of the kind mentioned in sub-paragraph (1), any power to extend the time for giving notice of application for leave to appeal, or for applying for leave to appeal, must be ignored.”
Excerpt from Criminal Appeal Act 1968:
„Appeals in cases of contempt of court.
(1) A person who wishes to appeal under section 13 of the Administration of Justice Act from any order or decision of the Crown Court in the exercise of jurisdiction to punish for contempt of court shall give notice of appeal in such manner as may be directed by rules of court.
(2) Notice of appeal shall be given within twenty-eight days from the date of the order or decision appealed against.
(3) The time for giving notice under this section may be extended, either before or after its expiry, by the Court of Appeal.]
(1)The Court of Appeal may [subject to section 25 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994] if they think fit,—
(a) grant an appellant bail pending the determination of his appeal; or
(b) revoke bail granted to an appellant by the Crown Court under paragraph (f) of section 81(1) of the Supreme Court Act 1981 [or paragraph (a) above]; or
(c) vary the conditions of bail granted to an appellant in the exercise of the power conferred by [either of those paragraphs]
(2) The powers conferred by subsection (1) above may be exercised—
(a) on the application of an appellant; or
(b) if it appears to the registrar of criminal appeals of the Court of Appeal (hereafter referred to as “the registrar”) that any of them ought to be exercised, on a reference to the court by him]”
Excerpt from Civil Procedure (Amendment) Rules 2000:
„(1) Where a judgment or order is given or made in a claim on the group register in relation to one or more GLO issues—
(a) that judgment or order is binding on the parties to all other claims that are on the group register at the time the judgment is given or the order is made unless the court orders otherwise; and
(b) the court may give directions as to the extent to which that judgment or order is binding on the parties to any claim which is subsequently entered on the group register.
(2) Unless paragraph (3) applies, any party who is adversely affected by a judgment or order which is binding on him may seek permission to appeal the order.
(3) A party to a claim which was entered on the group register after a judgment or order which is binding on him was given or made may not—
(a) apply for the judgment or order to be set aside (gl), varied or stayed(gl); or
(b) appeal the judgment or order,
but may apply to the court for an order that the judgment or order is not binding on him.”
1. | convicted of | skazany za |
2. | offence | przestępstwo |
3. | to quash / to set aside | unieważnić |
4. | to bring proceedings | wszcząć postępowanie |
5. | as the case may be | w zależności od przypadku |
6. | to determine | ustalić / określić |
7. | to extend the time for | przedłużyć termin na |
8. | leave to appeal | pozwolenie na wniesienie apelacji (zwykle udzielane przez ten sąd, do którego ma być wniesiona apelacja) |
9. | application for leave to appeal | wniosek o udzielenie pozwolenia na wniesienie apelacji |
10. | contempt of court | obraza sądu |
11. | within twenty-eight days from | w ciągu dwudziestu ośmiu dni od |
12. | subject to | z zastrzeżeniem |
13. | if they think fit | jeśli uznają to za stosowne |
14. | appellant | strona wnosząca apelację |
15. | to grant bail | udzielić zgody na zwolnienie z tymczasowego aresztu za poręczeniem majątkowym / kaucją |
16. | pending the determination of appeal | w oczekiwaniu na rozpoznanie apelacji |
17. | to revoke bail | odwołać zgodę na zwolnienie z tymczasowego aresztu za poręczeniem majątkowym / kaucją |
18. | to vary the conditions of bail | zmienić warunki zwolnienia z tymczasowego aresztu za poręczeniem majątkowym / kaucją |
19. | in the exercise of the power conferred by | w wykonaniu uprawnienia nadanego przez |
20. | on the application of | na wniosek |
21. | binding on the parties | wiążący dla stron |
22. | as to | co do |
23. | subsequently | następnie |
24. | to adversely affect | niekorzystnie wpływać |
25. | to seek permission | ubiegać się o pozwolenie |
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