16 paź Jak przetłumaczyć siedzibę?
In the vast majority of cases the best translation of Polish “siedziba” is the native expression used in both British and American Legal English, namely “registered office”.
For example:
Example Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, z siedzibą w Warszawie (00-123) przy ul. Przykladowej 123, wpisana do rejestru przedsiębiorców prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy, XII Wydział Gospodarczy KRS pod numerem 123456, z kapitał zakładowym w wysokości 50.000,00 zł, posługująca się numerem NIP 123–45–67–89 oraz numerem REGON 123456789 , reprezentowana przez: Pana Piotra Przykłada – Prezesa Zarządu
Example Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością (limited liability company), with its registered office in Warsaw (postal code: 00-123) at 123 Przykładowa Street (00-123 Warszawa, ul. Przykładowa 123), entered into the register of enterprises kept by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS No. (National Court Register No.) 123456, having share capital of PLN 50,000.00, having NIP No. (Tax ID No.) 123–45–67–89 and REGON No. (Statistical ID No.) 123456789, represented by: Mr. Piotr Przykład – President of the Management Board
Sometimes, however, the translation of “siedziba” may cause problems due to the fact that in the Polish law siedziba is in fact not an address, but a city. In many cases, like in the example above, this is irrelevant but in some situations it may matter. Take for example the following excerpt from an official copy of an entry in the National Court Register (odpis z KRS):
Rubryka 2 – Siedziba i adres podmiotu | |
1. Siedziba | kraj POLSKA, woj. MAZOWIECKIE, powiat M. ST. WARSZAWA, gmina M. ST. WARSZAWA, miejsc. WARSZAWA |
2. Adres | ul. Przykładowa, nr 1, lok. 2, miejsc. WARSZAWA, kod 00-123, poczta WARSZAWA, kraj POLSKA |
In such a case, you cannot say “registered office – the capital city of Warsaw”. So what to do?
Using expressions from the UK legislation: “situation of registered office” for siedziba and “address of registered office” for adres
Examples from UK Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2000:
“(2) The incorporation document must—
(a) be in a form approved by the registrar (or as near to such a form as circumstances allow),
(b) state the name of the limited liability partnership,
(c) state whether the registered office of the limited liability partnership is to be situated in England and Wales, in Wales or in Scotland,
(d) state the address of that registered office”
“Part II Registered offices
Situation of registered office
(1) A limited liability partnership shall—
(a) at all times have a registered office situated in England and Wales or in Wales, or
(b) at all times have a registered office situated in Scotland, to which communications and notices may be addressed.
(2) On the incorporation of a limited liability partnership the situation of its registered office shall be that stated in the incorporation document.”
Using this solution, the translation of the Polish text is as follows:
Part 2 – Situation and address of the registered office of the entity | |
1. Situation of the registered office | country: POLAND, voivodeship1: MAZOWIECKIE, poviat2: CAPITAL CITY OF WARSAW, gmina3: CAPITAL CITY OF WARSAW, locality: WARSAW (WARSZAWA) |
2. Address of the registered office | ul. Przykładowa, nr 1, lok. 2 (street: Przykładowa, No. 1, Apt. 2), locality: WARSAW, postal code 00-123, post office: WARSAW, country: POLAND |
1 Voivodeship (województwo) is a unit of territorial administrative division of Poland corresponding to Level 2 of European Union NUTS (Nomenclature of Units for Territorial Statistics).
2 Poviat (powiat) is a unit of territorial administrative division of Poland corresponding to Level 4 of European Union NUTS (Nomenclature of Units for Territorial Statistics).
3 Gmina is a unit of territorial administrative division of Poland corresponding to Level 5 of European Union’s NUTS (Nomenclature of Units for Territorial Statistics).
Using the expression “seat” used in the European Union legislation
This expression is used for example in FIRST COUNCIL DIRECTIVE of 9 March 1968 on co-ordination of safeguards which, for the protection of the interests of members and others, are required by Member States of companies within the meaning of the second paragraph of Article 58 of the Treaty, with a view to making such safeguards equivalent throughout the Community (68/151/EEC).
Using this solution, the translation of the Polish text is as follows:
Part 2 – Seat and address of the entity | |
1. Seat | country: POLAND, voivodeship1: MAZOWIECKIE, poviat2: CAPITAL CITY OF WARSAW, gmina3: CAPITAL CITY OF WARSAW, locality: WARSAW (WARSZAWA)-/- |
2. Address | ul. Przykładowa, nr 1, lok. 2 (street: Przykładowa, No. 1, Apt. 2), locality: WARSAW, postal code 00-123, post office: WARSAW, country: POLAND-/- |
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