07 maj 20 RANDOM QUESTIONS to test your Legal English vocabulary
Try to answer the following 20 questions, then check your answers and find out much more in the 12-minute-long audio recording below.
- What do we call a person who sues in a civil lawsuit?
- What do we call a document initiating court proceedings?
- What do we call a person appointed to attend and vote at a meeting instead of somebody else?
- What do we call a member of a company because of acquisition of shares in a company?
- What do we call a meeting of shareholders held to discuss issues of particular importance for the company at a given time?
- What do we call a document confirming ownership of a share?
- What do we call a formal record of the course of a meeting?
- What do we call the British institution for registration of companies?
- What adjective describes an entity that is unable to repay its debts?
- What do we call transfer of rights to another person?
- What do we call a person conducting business activity?
- What do we call breaking the terms of a contract?
- What do we call monetary compensation?
- What do we call a serious crime?
- What is the opposite of legal person?
- What do we call a body governing and supervising a company in the Anglosaxon system?
- What do we call the entitlement in the case of which when new shares are issued they must be first offered to existing shareholders?
- What do we call security for a loan established on a real property?
- What do we call transfer of ownership?
- What adjective describes a document that has two parties?
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